Caganer Casteller Pink
The pink casteller caganer figure represents a member of a Catalan casteller team, with their characteristic pink uniform. Castellers are known for building impressive human towers, and this figure pays tribute to that unique tradition. With precise details and a determined expression, it is perfect for collectors and those who appreciate Catalan culture. Made from high-quality materials, this figure is ideal for adding a touch of authenticity and tradition to any caganer collection or as Christmas decoration.
In the eyes of a casteller, to crown a pillar of four is a piece of cake. However, when the casteller that maintains the base takes as well the role of a caganer, things become complicated. With this caganer we would like to pay tribute to all those who have kept the tradition alive for two hundred years. Besides, from the 16th November 2010 this human pyramid is considered an intangible cultural heritage by Member States of UNESCO.