Caganer Shinzo Abe
Caganer Shinzo Abe
Caganer Shinzo Abe

Caganer Shinzo Abe

23,00 €
Produkt Details

Since September 2012, the head of government of Japan -elected by a special session of the National Diet and the emperor- is Shinzō Abe. Then aged 52, he became Japan's youngest post-war Prime Minister and the first to have been born after World War II. As a right-wing nationalist, Abe supports the Japanese alliance with the United States and the Member States of the European. Also, he is considered a hard-liner with respect to North Korea.

Since September 2012, the head of government of Japan -elected by a special session of the National Diet and the emperor- is Shinzō Abe. Then aged 52, he became Japan's youngest post-war Prime Minister and the first to have been born after World War II. As a right-wing nationalist, Abe supports the Japanese alliance with the United States and the Member States of the European. Also, he is considered a hard-liner with respect to North Korea.

Envío gratuito 24/48 horas
Pago fàcil y seguro
Devolución gratuita (5 días)
Envío gratuito 24/48 horas
Pago fàcil y seguro
Devolución gratuita (5 días)

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